About EUCC

Erasmus University China Centre(EUCC)

The EUCC is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam which has a proven track record regarding:
•    Establishing cooperation with Chinese top universities and government institutions;
•    Facilitating, supporting, and coordinating research projects and providing information services;
•    Education and research in economics, management, law, medical sciences, and other disciplines.

Rotterdam and Shanghai became sister cities in 1979, shortly after China had opened its doors to the outside world. Under these promising circumstances, a delegation from the EUR visited Shanghai in 1985. This visit was the start of a very successful relationship between the EUR and various Chinese universities, initially in Shanghai, later also in Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan and other cities.

It was previously called CHERC (China-Holland Education & Research Centre) and was established in 1998 in order to support and stimulate the academic co-operation between the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and its Chinese counterparts. In September 2010 CHERC underwent a name change to EUCC. Which stands for Erasmus University China Centre. Today, the EUCC has evolved into a network organization in which Dutch and Chinese universities, business companies and other organizations participate.

Besides coordinating PhD programs that are financed by the Chinese government (China Scholarship Council; CSC), the EUCC supports visiting scholars from China and also coordinates and offers support to all educational faculty delegations towards China for a diverse array of Chinese top universities. The EUCC helps to coordinate, guide and organize conferences. On top of that, the EUCC serves as an advisory body and actively offers support for all related activities on the Chinese academic field.

The EUCC welcomes universities and companies who are interested in its activities to join. Please contact the EUCC.

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