Researcher profielen

636 resultaten

  • (Eline) EM ten Bosch, MSc

    Eline ten Bosch is a Ph.D. candidate at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She obtained her M.Sc. in Finance from VU University Amsterdam…
    (Eline) EM ten Bosch, MSc
  • (Vivian) VML Boumans, MSc

    (Vivian) VML Boumans, MSc
  • (Jean-Paul) JPG van Brakel, MSc

    (Jean-Paul) JPG van Brakel, MSc
  • dr. (Martin) MA de Bree

    Martin de Bree is researcher at Rotterdam School of Management. He is a renowned scholar in the area of regulation and governance, meta-regulation, system based…
    dr. (Martin) MA de Bree
  • (Laura) LM Breuer, MSc

    Laura Breuer is a Ph.D. candidate who joined the Department of Accounting and Control in January 2021. Her research interests lie in the field of management…
    (Laura) LM Breuer, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Flore) FM Bridoux

    Flore Bridoux is a Professor of Stakeholder Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She holds a PhD from the Catholic University…
    prof.dr. (Flore) FM Bridoux
  • (Pedro) PR Brito

    (Pedro) PR Brito
  • dr. (Andreas) ACS Brogger

    My research interests are in Asset Pricing, Asset Management, and Sustainable Finance. To see my research, I invite you to my website:
    dr. (Andreas) ACS Brogger
  • (Hans) JC Brouwer

    (Hans) JC Brouwer
  • dr. (Anthony) AC Brown

    dr. (Anthony) AC Brown

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