Researcher profielen

260 resultaten

  • (Luis) LD Artavia-Mora

    I am a four-year PhD Candidate at Erasmus University of Rotterdam specializing in Behavioral and Development Economics/Studies. My research interests, passion…
    (Luis) LD Artavia-Mora
  • (Karin) CJM Arts

    **Profile Chair in International Law and Development** Law is a major factor in processes of development and/or transition, either as an instrument of change or… (Karin) CJM Arts
  • (Toktam) T Ashnaiy

    (Toktam) T Ashnaiy
  • (Ana Lucia) AL Badillo Salgado

    Ana is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). Her research centers on the political economy of social protection reforms in…
    (Ana Lucia) AL Badillo Salgado
  • (Muhammad) M Badiuzzaman

    The aim of Badiuzzaman's research is to analyze rural household livelihood decisions in a post-conflict setting located in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)…
    (Muhammad) M Badiuzzaman
  • (Fatema) F Baheranwala

    I am a PhD candidate at the Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag since March 2022, doing research in the fields of feminist political ecology, eco-feminism and…
    (Fatema) F Baheranwala
  • (Sanchita) S Bakshi

    Sanchita Bakshi is a Ph.D. Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. Previously, she worked with Samaj Pragati Sahayog, one of…
    (Sanchita) S Bakshi
  • drs. (Marije) ML Balt

    Marije Balt is foreign policy advisor and works with the Advisory Council on International Affairs. She is a former Netherlands government diplomat with nearly…
    drs. (Marije) ML Balt
  • (Moges) MB Bantie

    Moges Belay Bantie is currently a PhD Researcher at International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is member of a European…
    (Moges) MB Bantie
  • (Sumbal) S Bashir

    (Sumbal) S Bashir

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