Ethical AI: Perspectives on Law, Regulations and Policy

maandag 29 mrt 2021, 13:45 - dinsdag 30 mrt 2021, 15:30


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Erasmus School of Law and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance (DIGOV), in media partnership with Science|Business, invite you to the online international workshop “Ethical AI: Perspectives on Law, Regulations and Policy” on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 March 2021.

In this two-day online workshop, legal theories and practices will be assessed for their suitability to cope with the social, economic and ethical challenges of the digital transformation through AI and Big Data. The workshop will consist of keynote lectures by prominent academicians and politicians as prof. Luciano Floridi (Oxford), prof. Ryan Abbott (Surrey), Axel Voss (MEP) and prof. Ina Ebert (MunichRE). The workshop is complemented by a PhD master class and an industry roundtable. 

Admission is free, but advance registration is required. For more information, the workshop programme and registration, please see our DIGOV website.

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