prof.dr. (Bauke) B Visser


I am a professor of economics at the Erasmus School of Economics. I hold an MSc in econometrics (cum laude) from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and a PhD from the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. I joined Erasmus University in 2000, after a two-year stint in corporate planning and strategy at Royal Dutch Shell. In 2011-2015, I was the director of the Tinbergen Institute, the research institute and graduate school of the economics and business faculties of Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam. During those years, I was first a member, then the chair of the Taskforce Scientific Integrity of Erasmus University. I was a Fernand Braudel senior fellow at the European University Institute in 2008. In 1997, during my PhD, I spent three months at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria, in its Young Scientists Summer Program My research deals with decision-making processes, contracting and governance. It has been published in, among others, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics and the Journal of Public Economics. I have a keen interest in networks and complexity, about which I have published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics and Emergence: Complexity and Organization. I am one of the principal investigators on a project on the role played by editorial board members of more than 100 economics journals in the development of economics as a science. I have been teaching courses on decision-making processes, contracting and governance and on (applied) game theory for many years. My personal website is here.

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Economics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Bauke Visser (2000) - On correctly allocating error-prone agents in binary decisions structures
  • Bauke Visser (1999) - On correctly allocating error-prone agents in binary decision structures
  • Bauke Visser (1997) - Organizational structure and performance
  • Bauke Visser (1997) - Organizational structure and performance
  • Bauke Visser (1996) - Organizational structure and performance

Applied Game Theory

Course Code

Economics of Organisations

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Bauke) B Visser

Goochelen met cijfers rondom cruiseschepen

Bauke Visser, hoogleraar economie van besluitvormingsprocessen aan Erasmus School of Economics, schept duidelijkheid over cruiseschepen in Rotterdam.

De mythe van winstgevende cruiseschepen voor Rotterdam

Bauke Visser, hoogleraar economie van besluitvormingsprocessen aan Erasmus School of Economics, verscheen recentelijk in een NPO-aflevering over cruiseschepen.

Cruiseschepen in Rotterdam: niet erg voordelig

Bauke Visser, hoogleraar economie van besluitvormingsprocessen aan Erasmus School of Economics, spreekt over de kosten en baten van cruiseschepen in Rotterdam.

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