Researcher profielen

636 resultaten

  • (Lennard) L Bockenforde, MSc

    (Lennard) L Bockenforde, MSc
  • dr. (Johannes) J Boegershausen

    Johannes Boegershausen obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of British Columbia. Subsequently, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Marketing…
    dr. (Johannes) J Boegershausen
  • (Arie) A den Boer (Arie) A den Boer
  • (Erik) E Boerrigter

    (Erik) E Boerrigter
  • (Ronald) PR Boers

    (Ronald) PR Boers
  • (Jon) JM Bokrantz

    (Jon) JM Bokrantz
  • dr. (Maarten) MAS Boksem

    I have a broad interest in human behaviour and in how the brain orchestrates this behaviour. My current research topics range from the decoding of psychological…
    dr. (Maarten) MAS Boksem
  • prof.dr. (Dion) DGJ Bongaerts

    Dion Bongaerts is an Professor of Financial Technology and Data Analytics at RSM Erasmus University and Academic Director Fintech at the Erasmus Center for Data…
    prof.dr. (Dion) DGJ Bongaerts
  • dr. (Kathrin) K Borner

    Kathrin Borner (PhD) is Assistant Professor in Innovation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. She is visiting scholar at…
    dr. (Kathrin) K Borner
  • (Eline) EM ten Bosch, MSc

    Eline ten Bosch is a Ph.D. candidate at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She obtained her M.Sc. in Finance from VU University Amsterdam…
    (Eline) EM ten Bosch, MSc

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