Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Ryan) RJ Kopaitich

    dr. (Ryan) RJ Kopaitich
  • (Linda) L Kopitz, MA

    Linda Kopitz has studied at the University of Leipzig, Germany, and the University of Miami, USA, and holds a Research Masters in Media Studies from the…
    (Linda) L Kopitz, MA
  • (Sofie) S van Koppen, MSc

    (Sofie) S van Koppen, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Joop) JFM Koppenjan

    Joop Koppenjan is Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His fields of interest are: Agenda building, decision making and…
    prof.dr. (Joop) JFM Koppenjan
  • (Roos) RA Koppenol

    (Roos) RA Koppenol
  • (Otto) OR Koppius

    I am an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics. My primary theoretical interest is in sports analytics and more generally, the practical implementation of… (Otto) OR Koppius
  • (Rian) RCW Koreman, MSc

    Rian Koreman (1986) is a PhD-lecturer in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus University. After obtaining her Bachelor in Journalism from the…
    (Rian) RCW Koreman, MSc
  • dr. (Matthijs) M Korevaar

    dr. (Matthijs) M Korevaar
  • dr. (Dirk) DF de Korne

    dr. (Dirk) DF de Korne
  • (Jori) J Korpershoek

    (Jori) J Korpershoek

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