Each year, about 50 honours students participate in the Personal Leadership Programme. This programme is organised especially for EUR honours students and aims to provide you with a solid basis for personal leadership.
The programme is lead by Glenn Weisz from Canitiem. Glenn is a professional trainer in the field of leadership development, and provides honours students at the Technical University in Delft with a personal leadership module as part of their honours education. Glenn has already been a guest at the honours class of the Erasmus School of Economics, and with great success.
'The Leadership Programme is an excellent way to get exposed to a great variety of perspectives on the most relevant issues and learn how to argue from your own standpoint.’ -Ekaterina Sytnik
'An intensive and inspiring honours programme, with knowledge and insight from leaders in the forefront of business, academics, and cultural institutions.' -Roan Laenen
‘A fascinating program characterized by a practical approach and inspiring speakers.’ -Simone Punzo